Friday, February 26, 2010

Personal Request

Ok so first of all Ron has approved dates off for this summer. He is now off July 22-Aug. 3 so we will plan our trip home during that time. Just for information to those of you wondering.
Also yesterday at Brynja's doctor appointment she had lost 1/2 lb. so they doctor has decided she will now have a day at Primary Childrens where they will test her for Cystic Fybrois (sp), liver disorder, thyroid problems, Celiacs, and even lukemia because she has the enlarged nodes in her groin like Kylee did. We are asking if on Sunday everyone would include Brynja in their fast and prayers. We start at 10 on Monday morning. I don't know how long we will be there or when the results will come. The only thing I really know is the CF test is an almost 2 hour long sweat test so that does not sound fun. Lots of blood drawing too. Anyway if possible include her in your prayers and fasting this weekend.
Ron and Ronda


  1. We'll be thinking and praying foryou little Bryn. Ronda, is your fast this Sunday or are you doing an extra special one?

  2. I was wondering the same thing about the fast?? Of couse Dad and I will be praying extra hard for little Byn on Monday.

  3. Sorry I thought this Sunday was fast Sunday so I guess I shall do an extra one. I'm a little mixed up in my days.

  4. Don't they think all this just runs in your family, since Kylee had all the same stuff and she turned out fine??
    We'll pray anyway! Poor little Bryn for having to go through all that!!
