Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Andrew

As we all know, and as Sally already posted, today is Spaghetti Day! Braden is starting to catch the spirit of always eating spaghetti on Feb. 26. The last few weeks he's been asking when we get to remember Uncle Andrew. Well lil' bro, this day is for you. Happy Birthday! And I hope everyone enjoys their spaghetti today!


  1. We of course are having spaghetti to night and I think it is wonderful that the Danielson girls are joining in. Happy 27th B-day my sweet son!!!!

  2. Ditto to that!
    Is it breaking the rules if I make the upside down spaghetti casserole thing??

  3. Yes Leesa - straight spaghetti only or cold out of a can is the only other option!!

  4. Fine. We had regular spaghetti anyway. I can't eat it without garlic bread and Dan was good enough to run to the store for some!
    Who eats spaghetti out of a can??? YUCK!

  5. andrew ate spaghetti out of a can! i remember one time the two of us were home and we had spaghettios and he ate them so fast... then he burped and a whole O flew out of his mouth and landed on the table. it was disgusting! but he thought it was hilarious!
