Wednesday, January 5, 2011

sally's resolutions

Ok, so if we're going ahead with this, I'll share mine too.
1. First off, I need to repeat my ONE from last year, since I failed to do it. I want to put together a memory like book about Grandma Elsie, Livia's namesake, for Livia to have when she is older. I'll probably do a snapfish or shutterfly album. My neighbor did one for her husband last year and it turned out great. I just need to get a lot of help from Jason's dad, which is part of the reason I didn't finish last year (or barely start for that matter.)

2. Secondly, like Leesa, I've really struggled with the daily scripture study. Kids sure make it difficult to have some quiet time with any book, especially the scriptures. So we've been waking up earlier for the specific purpose of personal scripture time. Thankfully Jason is doing the same goal, so we can support each other in it.

3. And last of all, I want some sort of regular schedule or routine throughout my day and week. Obviously with kids it needs to be flexible, but I'm hoping if I have certain things scheduled in to my day every day more will get done and I'll feel like I had a productive day when I go to bed. The weekly part is like Monday I do all the laundry, Tuesday I mop, Wednesday I clean the bathrooms and Thursday I organize something. (since there is so many things that need a little organization, I think I'll have plenty to do all year.) And Friday will be either a break, or catch up time.

Please hold me accountable!! It's so easy to make excuses and just let things go back to how they were before.

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