Friday, September 11, 2009

Em's funny word

Tonight we were repeated the 11th article of Faith.
It goes: We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God, ...
I was sitting next to Emmalynn and her pronunciation of the word "worshipping" caught my attention. I asked her to say it again and this is how it came out: warpushing. It sounded so funny, we all had a good laugh. The other funny part is that it took her about 4 more times to say it correctly!


  1. sometimes i laugh at how kids think words are said. last night i was watching a few kids and one kid asked where his bro was because they were watching 'peach' and he wanted his brother to come watch it too. i asked, peach? yeah, peach dragon! (Pete's Dragon) funny thing is, when i asked his brother, he said, Peach Dragon! Woohoo!

  2. Emmalynn hears all the sounds, but when she repeats them back she often mixes up the order of the sounds she hears!
