Monday, May 2, 2011

May Family Goal

Well May has started and hopefully it will stop snowing so this goal can work out. This is not the original goal I wanted to do but since it is May I thought this one would be fun.

My scripture is D&C 89:16
"All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground for above the ground-"

I thought for May we could all as families work to put in a garden spot of some kind, it could be in the back yard for veggies, bushes or trees for fruit, a window box or pot for tomatoes or flowers whatever we can each do. Our spot is not that big and with my baby coming in August I'm not sure how much canning I will be able to do but we at least want some zucchini, peppers, and cucumbers. I'm sure some tomatoes and peppers will be added since Ron still wants to make salsa. We all have different plots and soils but maybe we could each try to grow something to add or our table for our health and saving of money by growing our own food. I hope the weather will go along with this as thus far it has not in Utah. If you can't plant anything maybe you could add to your food storage with canned veggies and fruit. Also just for lots of fun for me the second part of this goal is to guess the sex, weight, and length of my baby!


  1. Eventually Summer will come everywhere!
    Leesa's guess on the baby is: boy, 7 lbs. 7 oz., 20 inches long.

  2. we've actually been trying to figure out how to do some sort of gardening in our very shaded yard, so thanks for the goal.
    my guess is boy, 6 lbs 11 oz. and 19 inches long.

  3. I hope this baby doesn't feel bad that we're all guessing a boy if it turns out to be a girl!

  4. I'm excited for this goal. I think I will even be able to accomplish it! I just had a friend over the other day teaching me about raised gardens and the benefits of them. I have a marvelous plan for our garden and hopefully it will work out well. Keep fingers crossed because I do not have a green thumb.

    My guess on baby: I too will say a boy (mainly because my kids really want you to have a boy) and I will say 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 19 1/2" long.

  5. Dads guess is a boy 6 lbs. 17 oz. 20 in.

    Moms guess is a boy 6 lbs. 3 ozs. 19 in.
