Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Family Goals

Hey there dear family. I just had a little idea. I made a goal to try and read the entire Book of Mormon by December 31st. That is a little over 17 pages a day. I thought it might be a fun idea if we all did it and made it a family goal. What do you think? And then I was thinking that maybe next year, we could take turns and pick some kind of goal for our entire family to do each month of the year. For example, in January mom makes the family goal to be "go to the temple with your spouse and do sealings" or something like that. It could be a reading goal, a service goal, or just whatever you want to do that month. I thought it might be a fun way for all of us to feel more connected to each other. Having goals and reporting them at the end of the month. Anyways, let me know what you think and if you think I'm just plain crazy, then keep it to yourself. Love and miss you all.


  1. i think that's a great idea. i agree that we will feel more connected to one another too. we could all use a little help in improving ourselves too. i know i need a little push to do better with my scripture reading! so thanks, jill!

  2. The Christensons are in on the plan. Let me know what month is mine to "boss" everyone around and let me tell you how to improve your selves!!! Ha, Ha

  3. So did Dan make that last comment or was it one of the Christensons?? That was funny.
    Good job Jill for coming up with something so creative. I suppose we'll be in too. Although I would have like a BIT more time for the B of M reading!!

  4. Ok I figured out how to not be Dan anymore!
