Sunday, November 22, 2009

turkey time

Hello my wonderful family!
I hope we don't all regret that Thanksgiving is at my house!
Mom and Dad and Swensons.... what time can I expect you to arrive?
Also, what time do we want to plan on starting and eating and such? Ronda, do you have to work at some point? What time would you prefer that the festivities begin?
Also, does anyone have a preference in what food to bring?
Here is what I have thought of so far for the menu:
mashed potatoes and gravy
stuffing (stove top is my preference)
green bean casserole
cranberries? (does anyone like those?)
yams? (do people eat both mashed and sweet?)
yummy drink (maybe sparkling cider?)

Am I forgetting anything?
Thanks! Can't wait to see you on Thursday!


  1. I'm planning on the green bean casserole, stuffing, rolls, olives, pickles, 3 bottles sparkling cocktail, 2 pumpkin pies (not homemade) and Cool Whip.
    We'll also bring our Carcassonne game.
    I was thinking maybe we could do some appetizers (we can actually eat them late afternoon). I was thinking of bringing JoAnn's little smokies wrapped in bacon with brown sugar on top and baked. Sounds extremely NOT healthy, but they are so good. We had them at Halloween. Let me know what you think of that idea!

  2. What time will the turkey be done???
    Actually Dad just got a job today. Anyway if you make yams the recipe that I put in Jill's cookbook is is the best!!
    It is called Praline Yam Bake. Hardly seems like your are eating yams at all!!! I love it.It saddens me that dad and I will not be there. This being sick makes me sicker!!!
